SERIES: Russian Doll
GENRE: comedy-drama
Though Netflix's Russian doll may look simple it is more complex to get the zest of the story.
The first half of the Netflix series follows a woman named Nadia who stuck at a death loop during her 36th birthday. Whenever she dies, she gets relived at her birthday party and starts to have the whole night over again when she dies.
She dies so easily that she just lives for a few minutes and too often. It includes more moments of Nadia dying like Nadia fall from stairs, falling into trap doors, car accident, gas explosion, in a more comedic way. The first few episodes provide the depth of the character Nadia like how independent she is.
At first, she thinks that she had a bad batch of drugs during her birthday party which gives her this illusion later she thinks that she was influenced badly by an old Jewish school which later became her party location.

knowing that she is alive again she tries to do things differently like helping a homeless guy, patching up with her ex, and wanted to be different from her true self.

The second half of the series starts with Nadia encountering a death with a guy named Alan where she comes to know that he is also having the same death loop as her. Things get reset when they die every time and both are involved in the loop. In the second half of the series, it concentrates on the life of Alan.

It is known that the night when Alan dies is the same night where he proposes his girlfriend and gets rejected thus ending his life by killing himself but he doesn't actually his life instead of being in a death loop, the death of Alan influences Nadia and vice versa. Now they both try to understand the reality and make themself to face reality and confronts their moral dilemma and dies when they relive, they project a matured, selfless individuals who accepted themselves by doing so they broke the loop having a last chance to make things right. By breaking the loop they both go to separate timelines where one doesn't recognize others.

In one reality Nadia saves Alan from killing himself similarly in another timeline Alan saves Nadia from an accident. In the end, Both Alan and Nadia pairs walk into the middle of the parade, and when they walk out on the other side, the timelines have joined again. Nadia is wearing a white blouse and Alan has a red scarf around his neck; they are the characters we’ve followed this whole time, and in the end, they make it through together.
Netflix gave an official Jconfirmation on June 11th that there is a 2nd season of Russian doll, mostly this show is said to be a trilogy hope we get an official announcement
Season1 trailer