If you haven't seen The Netflix's time travelling mystery series CLICK HERE to know why you should watch the series [no spoilers]
Netflix's original German Sci-fi myStery series Dark is one of the most complex TV series
Season 1 starts on June 21, 2019, Michael Kahnwald committing suicide. 5 months later his son Jonas Kahnwald came from a psychiatric hospital, and he meets his best friend Bartosz Tiedeman is in relationship with Martha Nielson (Jonas's lover).

Ulrich (Martha’s father) and Charlotte Doppler are handling the case of missing boy(Erick obendorf), Who Was Missing for 2 weeks. On the same day in evening Jonas, Bartosz, Franziska, and Martha's brother are in the search of hidden drugs into the woods and end up in a cave near the nuclear power plant. They heard a strange noise and made them run, they were separated in the woods. In which Mikkel Nielson got lost in woods. On the following day, charlotte found a body in the place where Mikkel disappeared. In the next scene, Erick was sitting on an electric chair.

Ulrich (Mikkel's father) loses his patience because his brother mads was also disappeared in 1986 And never came back, so Ulrich it wants to find his son very badly. Ulrich starts to search for his son by himself in the cave. He found a door of the nuclear power plant. Charlotte finds dead boys whose ears and eyes were burnt by external pressure. Same night birds were started to fall from the sky, Charlotte starts to think about the similar even on her childhood in 1986.

Next, Mikkel comes out from the cave and runs towards his home. But he discovered that the date was November 5, 1986. So he decided to go to the police station to find his father. And police officer chief Egon Tiedeman send him to nurse Ines kahnwald.

Claudia Tiedeman (Regina’s mother) became the President of the nuclear power plant. Helge who is working as a cleaner in the power plant gives Claudia a book called "A Journey Through Time".

Bernd Doppler shows her nuclear waste on some barrels hidden in the cave. In 2019, Charlotte discovers that night when Mikkel disappeared husband Peter was in the forest. Elizabeth goes missing for a few hours when she returned to give her mother a watch which was given by Noah.

On the following day, Yasin was kidnapped by a stranger by Noah. In 1986, Michael is visited by a priest name Noah. Young Hannah notice that Ulrich and Katrina having a relationship, so she tells the police that Ulrich assaulted Katrina.

Meanwhile, in 2019, Bartosz meets Noah. The stranger wants Regina to deliver a package for Jonas. The stranger meets Jonas and talks about his father. Jonas finds a package that has Mikkel's suicide letter, some equipment, and the map.

The letter reveals that Michael Kahnwald was actually Mikkel Nielsen, who accidentally traveled back to 1986, married Hannah, fathered Jonas, and has now committed suicide in the present day.

Ulrich approaches Regina because she was the last person to saw mads(Ulrich's brother). Jonas finds the door in the cave which has “SIC MUNDUS CREATUS EST”. Jonas reaches to 1986 and saw 14-year-old Hannah. In 1986, Egan goes to question young Helge in nuclear power plant about this night when mads disappear. In 2018 Ulrich got those notes. Meanwhile, Charlotte searches the cave and finds a door, the door old cabin of Helge. By the door that they can travel 33 years past and future. In 1953 police discover Yasin and Erik's dead body. Ulrich goes through the caves to 1953 and meets Agnes Nielsen (his grandmother) and her son Tronte (his father) who are renting a room in the Tiedemann house.He also meets H.G. Tannhaus, to know the detail about the book which he eventually wrote.

Ulrich meets younger Helge thinking that killing Helge will stop the killings from happening. Yeah, that's that and leave him in a bunker and Got busted. Later H.G. Tannhaus builds a machine with the help of Ulrich's smartphone in the blueprint provided by old Claudia. In 1986 elder H.G. Tannhaus has already built a machine while the stranger travels time and explains how it works and The stranger wants to destroy the wormhole and asks H.G. Tannhaus to fix a machine that will allow him to do that. In 2019 Hannah blackmails Alexander(Regina's husband) about his false identity to take revenge on Ulrich. Clarity goes to the room which contains the barrel of byproduct. Coming back to 2019, Bartosz joins Noah.

In the last episode, it is revealed that the time when Michael disappears Peter was visiting the Helge cabin. Out of nowhere mads body suddenly appears in the cabin through a portal, so he calls tronts(Mad's Father) and asks him to come to the cabin. They moved the body to a place where Claudia told that she saw Mads for the last time. On the other side, Jonas goes to 1986 to bring back Michael but he was kidnapped by Noah and Helge. And soon elder version Helge kills the younger self while driving a car. Afterward, Jonas finds himself inside a bunker when the stranger comes by and reveals himself to be an elder version of Jonas. In 2019 Claudia finds an article of 1953 reveals that Helge was kidnaped by Ulrich along with the photo of Ulrich. Meanwhile, Noah tells Bartosz that when elder Jonas will operate the time Machine it will create and warm hole rather than destroying it. By doing so elder Jonas opens a warm hole thinking to destroy it which results in Helge is transported to 1986 and Jonas awakes in 2052 which looks like a post-apocalyptic Winden.

“ welcome to the future”