The episode 8 of season 7 of the 100 is the backdoor pilot episode of the potential prequel series of the 100. The prequel of the 100 is said to be named as the 100- second dawn.

The 8th episode of season 7 (Anaconda) revealed and explained several key details about the grounders and their culture.
In the starting of the show, when the 100 comes to earth, they came to know that there are survivors of the apocalypse who are capable of surviving radiations due to blood alterations, can speak a new language, can fight with their own battle techniques to decide their next leader and they were using built-up tech which they called as the flame.

In the episode Anaconda, by combining Becca's technology and ideas with those from Callie, The 100 revealed the origin of Grounders' history. It is revealed that Becca returned to earth after 2 years of apocalypse and why did she die.
This backdoor pilot revealed several pieces of information about,
The origin of Trikru
The origin of night blood
About the flame and the first flame keeper
About the selection of their leader
And mainly about the final code and anomaly

After watching the episode, it is sure that the 100 is making its way for its prequel to come into action. The prequel will make everything clear which are left behind by The 100...