Its been a very rough year for almost every single soul in this world, but DC didn't fail to cheer up their fans! By the official announcements of Zack Snyder's cut of Justice League, upcoming TV shows and most importantly the most awaited DC FanDome is coming on August 22nd.

What is DC FanDome?
DC FanDome is something like a Virtual ComiCon but only for DC. It is said that it is a Hall of Heroes, where we can experience several special programs, panels and mainly content reveal for a wide variety of films, TV series and games.
It is also mentioned that the DC FanDome will be available in several languages including English, French, German and more. DC FanDome will have 5 worlds each with specialized and localized content.

What can we expect?
We can expect updates for almost all the most waited DC films, series and games. As it is mentioned before, in DC WatchVerse (one of the DC FanDomes's 5 worlds ) we'll be having every update, exclusive videos, content reveal.
The Zack Snyder's Justice League will be getting a trailer, if we're lucky we can expect a Suicide Squad trailer, maybe we can get some clips from The Batman and updates for Black Lightning, DC superhero girls, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, DC's Stargirl, Doom Patrol, The Flash, Lucifer, Harley Quinn, Pennyworth, Supergirl, Superman & Lois and other DC's TV series.
The cast and crew of the films will be present in the DC FanDome and will have Q&A sessions with the fans.
When and How can we watch DC FanDome?
DC's FanDome will take place on 22nd August, it is a 24-hour complete entertainment for the DC fans. DC FanDome can be watched on their website without any subscription or booking or tickets, it is completely free for everyone.
